God’s plan was for the message of Jesus to be shared “to the ends of the earth.” This is a series where we’re going to see how He used a man named Paul to help carry out that plan. We’re also going to discover some things about our role in God’s plan today.

  • Part 1 | Transformation

    June 30, 2024

    Sometimes God decides to carry out his plans through the unlikeliest of people. That was certainly the case as the gospel message begins to be shared to the ends of the earth. As we read about Paul's transformation, we will discover that gospel still transforms lives today.


  • Part 2 | Unstoppable Force

    July 7, 2024

    There will be times in life when you will be opposed for doing the right thing. This weekend we will see how the first followers of Jesus met extreme opposition when they tried to spread the good news of his death and resurrection. The same unstoppable force that enabled them to reach the ends of the earth continues to guide and direct us today.


  • Part 3 | Track Record

    July 14, 2024

    As the message of Jesus went out to the ends of the earth, it was not always received well. In fact, the earliest missionaries were physically threatened and forced to leave. This weekend we will see what made the good news so offensive: it only leaves room for one hero, and that hero is not you.


  • Part 4 | Mixed Reaction

    July 21, 2024

    Do you enjoy having someone in authority over you? Even with the best leaders or bosses, there is something in us that, at times, is resistant. God is the ultimate authority in our lives. And even with God, we may find ourselves occasionally resistant to his direction and truth. This weekend we're going to explore that reality, discover some reasons for it, and ultimately grow to appreciate and enjoy the truth that God's in charge.


  • Part 5 | Only Human

    July 28, 2024

    When God does amazing things in you or through you, people might begin to think more highly of you. This weekend we will see how that was definitely true of Paul and Barnabas - people actually began to believe that they were gods. How they handled this undue admiration is a lesson on the importance of remembering our role in God's kingdom.


  • Part 6 | Many Hardships

    August 4th, 2024

    There is no better life than a life with Jesus. Through faith in him, we have hope, peace, and a future. And yet, there are some unique challenges and hardships that you will face as Christians who represent Jesus. This is a message where we are going to see how this reality affected Paul and receive encouragement for the times when we endure hardships because of our faith.


  • Part 7 | Terms and Conditions

    August 11, 2024

    As the number of Jesus followers grew in the first century, new questions began surface about how this community of believers would work. How would Christians who had a background in the Jewish faith welcome in Christians who had a background of no faith? The terms and conditions decided by that first generation of the church continue to guide us today.