We all want marriages that are happy and
healthy. And yet, those types of relationship goals don’t happen by accident or
because two people have high hopes. The real key to a great marriage goes far
deeper than good intentions. It takes a deliberate plan and a strong
foundation. The goal of this four-part series is to help you better understand
the foundation and put together a plan.
Part 1: Not by accident
January 31, 2021
The right start for a healthy relationship usually is not to add something new. It's to inspect the foundation that your relationship is built on. Jesus provides marriage with something deeper than a romantic picture.
Part 2: Christ Focused
February 7, 2021
Statistics tell us that most marriages in America would be described as "unhappy." There are lots of reasons why a husband or wife might feel that way, but there's one particular reason that seems to surface over and over again.
Part 3: Mission Driven
February 14, 2021
When life gets busy, it’s easy to miss thinking through important questions like "Why am I here?" and "What is my purpose?" These are important questions to ask about marriage as well.
Part 4: Covenant Keeping
February 21, 2021
Unmet expectations are at the heart of every relational conflict, and this is especially true of the marriage relationship. When Jesus taught about marriage, he didn’t tell people to lower their expectations. He actually raised them.