There’s a familiar song that says that Christmas is "the most wonderful time of the year." It can be. It can also be one of the most difficult. This is a series where we will be exploring some ways that Christmas can be complicated. We'll discover some practical Biblical direction to guide us and help keep our celebration focused on Jesus.

  • Part 1 | The Frantic Pace

    December 8, 2024

    December seems to be a month where there is lots to do and not enough time to get it all done. But for many of us, living at a frantic pace is not just a Christmastime problem. This weekend we're going to examine the dangers of "hurry" and see one way that Jesus navigated a busy life.

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  • Part 2 | The mix of emotions

    December 15, 2024

    Christmas is a time of year when emotions become amplified. If things are going well, Christmas has a way of making it even better. But if current life circumstances are difficult, this time of year can become even harder. This weekend we're going to unpack that reality and discover how to better navigate our mix of emotions.

  • Part 3 | Family Dynamics

    December 22, 2024

    Being around family is great... until it isn't. Oftentimes the people we're closest to are the people we experience the most conflict with. Why is it that family can bring out the worst in us? This weekend we'll see why this is the case as we continue to navigate the complicated aspects of Christmas.

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