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Part 9: Options
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August 28, 2016
Every day you make choices. Some have little significance while others can impact your future. In this message you'll see how Abraham made a choice that impacted his life years later. What you might not expect is how God reacts to the choices you make - whether they're good or bad.
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Part 10: The TEst
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September 4, 2016
This series concludes by looking at a big test God designed for Abraham. When you look at how and why God tested him, it will help you understand how and why God might test you.
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Part 1: Going Not Knowing
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June 26, 2016
Whenever people make a list of heroes of the Bible, a man named Abraham is always at or near the top. He was set aside for an extraordinary calling. Do you have a calling? Is there a greater purpose God has for you? When you discover where Abraham came from, it will help you understand where you're going.
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Part 2: Looking Up First
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July 2, 2016
There are times in life when God's direction is clear, but other times when life offers more than one good option. How do you decide what to do? In part two you will see that Abraham faced situations like this. How he handled his coin-flip-moment will help you navigate through yours.
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July 10, 2016
When someone makes a promise to you, they're asking you to let go of something and trust them with it. Maybe it's an important task. Maybe it has something to do with money. Maybe it's your heart. In part 3 you'll discover some big promises God makes, and you'll be amazed by what he did when Abraham hesitated to let go and trust him with everything.
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Part 4: Rushing Ahead
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July 17, 2016
Sometimes God's plan requires waiting. In fact, seasons of waiting are a given... but how you respond is not. Abraham had to learn the hard way that the inclination to rush ahead is almost never the best response.
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Part 5: A Laughing Matter?
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July 31, 2016
Have you ever had a dream for your life that didn't happen? Unfulfilled hopes and dreams can lead a person to anger, frustration, and sadness. Abraham's wife experienced those very things, yet the way God helped her through it is the same way he helps people to this day.
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Part 6: To Save a City
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August 7, 2016
God invited Abraham to be the defense attorney for an ancient city named Sodom. Rather than disputing the wickedness of the city, Abraham appealed to God on the basis of the handful of righteous people who lived there. The lesson Abraham learned would be fulfilled on a much larger scale by a greater defense attorney two thousand years later.
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Part 7: Undertow
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August 14, 2016
Though spared from the destruction of Sodom, Lot and his family where not out of the water yet. The aftermath of the destruction shows how dangerous undertows can overtake anybody. Are you able to spot them?
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Part 8: DÉjÀ Vu
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August 21, 2016
Have you ever found yourself falling into the same bad habits over and over again? Abraham sure did. In this message you'll find out why this happens and what God does about it.
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